Heritage Planning Consultancy

Heritage Statements & Heritage Impact Assessments

The production of a heritage statement (sometimes called a statement of significance) is a requirement of listed building consent and is often asked for as part of planning applications that may impact heritage assets.

The document looks in detail at the building’s history using local and national archives along with the study of historic maps (map regression). It defines what is important about the building in conservation terms – its ‘significance’ or ‘heritage value’.

We offer three tiers of a heritage statement depending on the level of detail required. Please contact one of our heritage planning consultants to discuss your requirements in more detail.

In addition to a heritage statement, most local authorities require the submission of a heritage impact assessment.

This document consists of a detailed assessment of the potential impact of a proposed development with specific recommendations to mitigate any adverse impact.


Pre-application Planning Support

The planning system is notoriously difficult to navigate and is in a constant state of flux. Our comprehensive knowledge of the laws, policies, guidance and various charters that underpin works to listed and historic buildings mean we are best placed to advise you on what permissions are required and how best to achieve them.

These may include listed building consent, planning permission, building control approval, scheduled monument consent and faculty consent.

Conservation Plans & Conservation Management Plans

Conservation plans & conservation management plans bring together multiple facets of a building through investigations such as surveys, archival research and drawings to develop a comprehensive understanding of a property.

A management plan can be used to help conserve, repair or propose changes.

Conservation Area Assessments Image
London Townscape

Townscape & Visual Impact Assessments

An important part of the early planning process for any proposed project is gaining an understanding of the existing townscape and local area. Our analysis considers the visual impact of proposed works to ensure new developments are sensitive to their immediate location and surrounding areas.

Heritage Grant Applications

There is a range of grants available to help conserve and repair listed buildings and assets of significant heritage value. We can guide you through the often complex application process, by advising on the most appropriate grants for your property and project, carrying out relevant research and investigations, and completing applications on your behalf.

Building Recording Levels

Building Recording Levels 1 - 4

We are able to undertake all four levels of building recording, from level 1, which provides a basic visual record accompanied by minimal information required to identify the building, to level 4, which is the most comprehensive and provides an analytical report best suited to properties of significant importance or those requiring extensive repairs or alterations.

Faculty Consent

Many churches in the UK fall outside the regular systems of protection afforded to secular listed buildings, instead requiring faculty consent from the governing diocese. However, planning permission and building control approval may still be required. We are able to work with custodians of churches to advise on and acquire the correct consent for your proposals.

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